I open this topic to allow Reps to share their experience creating a Mozilla Club and for people interested in creating one to learn and ask any questions.
Go Mozilla Clubs!
I open this topic to allow Reps to share their experience creating a Mozilla Club and for people interested in creating one to learn and ask any questions.
Go Mozilla Clubs!
/cc @helios @thornet
Hello Ruben,
Thanks for opening this topic and also for sharing so much details. We conducted several webmaker parties last year and we are now looking forward to launch Mozilla Club here (Mauritius - http://mozmoris.wordpress.com/). It was a real success.
Our main target groups actually are students aged 11-17 from five schools and this will be one of a major events for this year. One of the attractions for this type of event is swag. Are swags or any give-aways available for this event and if yes, how can we get it within the coming weeks?
Sandraghassen [aka Ganesh]
Mozilla Reps
Hello Ruben,
Thanks for brining this topic up.
Have just created a Mozilla club in Coimbatore will take up the discussion this June 21st with the FSA and other members in the upcoming Mozcoffee Meetup and will plan the activity calendar accordingly.
Planning to conduct a big Makerparty event for local institutions anytime during the July 15th - 31st.
Go Mozilla Clubs
@dvigneshwerif if you check yesterday meeting you will see that Webmaker team wants to transition from one-time big events to Mozilla Clubs as something that have more impact during time.
@spillai10 Mozilla Clubs are aimed to be zero-budget activities with a lot of impact. Check the documentation about them.
@nukedor - Got it So Will plan to bring enthusiastic participants together, share & learn regularly using teaching activities (https://teach.mozilla.org/activities/).