Raw notes here.
If you attended it or watched it on airmo add yourself here.
Hi my name is Geraldo, and I am from Brazil. My favorite moment of the day is night, because because I love working the night!
Hi my name is Daniele, and I am from Italy. My favorite moment of the day is uhm when I code
Hi my name is Ram, and I am from India. My favorite moment of the day is Play time, because this is when I take myself out of work load to re-energize!
Hi, I’m Abhiram and I am from Bangalore, India. My favorite moment of the day is when I sleep, because I can’t survive otherwise. (on airmo today)
Hi, I am Konstantina and I am from Greece. My favorite part of the day is when I close the laptop and I get to sleep+1 yay!
Hello my name is Francisco, and I’m from Spain. My favorite moment of the day is breakfast, because I drink Coffee
Hi my name is Irvin, and I’m from Taipei Taiwan. My favourite moment of the day is lunch time, because it’s when I do free reading
Hi my name is Sierra and I’m from San Francisco. My favorite moment of the day is the evening when I go to the gym and lift!
Hi my name is Lucy from toornto, my favorite moment of the day is when I get home and make a delicious dinner!
Hi my name is Alex Fuser, and I am from México. My favorite moment of the day is when I get home with my girlfriend and my cat.
Hi my name is Mohamed Hafez , form Egypt .
Hi my name is Mrinal Jain and i am from Indore India
Hi my name is Gašper, and I am from Sloveia. My favorite moment of the day is night, because people sleeps and I can work in Peace.
Hi my name is Flore, and I am from France. My favorite moment of the day is late night, because it’s dark and quiet
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
#mozlove for Cynthia Zanoni for work in the organization of WoMoz Day LATAM São Paulo! (twitter: @cynthiazanoni)
#mozlove for João Polles for hard work in the organization of Latinoware 2016! (twitter: @OficialJohnPaul)
Hossain al Ikram for working so hard and his endless contribution to the QA
All volunteers that will attend All Hands in Hawaii (it’s not a secret anymore… the place)
This year is part of a campaign in order to update the Copyright in EU
That’s why it is more focused in EU
In EU have events (you can request resources) and sign the petition
If you’re outside the EU you can still be part of the maker party like the make the meme activity and contribute to the commons
You can remix the activities
If you have a really awesome idea you can still have budget funding even if you’re outside EU, you need to file a request
Global Contribute-a-thon October 12-November 11
Starting on Tuesday, October 12th through November 11th, we’ll have an ongoing Maker Party event inviting anyone and everyone to submit photos to the public domain. What’s the public domain? It is content that’s free and open for anyone to use (just the way we like it)! The more high-quality photos there are in the public domain for blog and website owners to use, the more open and beautiful the Web will be. Sign-up to submit photos and spread the word about this on social at: https://www.makerparty.community/mtuohy45/be_a_cczero_hero?locale=en_gb
Social Copy: We deserve better than a stock photo world. Be a #CCZero hero by adding your images to the public domain at https://mzl.la/2dYnrGD
To support Mozilla’s Activate Campaign, Mozillians from various University are going to organize day long activity to promote Mozilla and way of contribution. To align with each other, and to set the planning and activity so that this becomes a helpful experience for everyone, We will be organizing a Train the Trainer event to plan further about the events
Hashtag: MozActivateBD
Ikram is also participating in a series of events about QA “Mozilla QA Contributor Engagement Tour” (Check the events portal)
To mobilize maximum attendees towards Mozilla’s mission and getting them involved in different functional areas and session on IOT and Connected Devices.
Last March, National Privacy Commission was officially formed to implement and enforce Data Privacy Act of 2012, came into effect this September. The Mozilla Philippines Community wanted to be in the forefront in educating the public about their rights regarding Privacy
Latinoware opens up space for discussion and reflection on the deployment of open source software in Latin America. The public consist among students, professionals and specialists from the area and also international celebrities and representatives from public and private agencies of different countries of Latin America. In the last edition, the event had 4.259 participants and 230 speakers in activities related the world of I.T. and free software.
A gathering of Mozillians from arabic countries who are mobilizing communities, bringing people into contributing to our mission, and helping them strengthen the impact of their contribution.
More than 24 Reps from all arabic countries (see the page for the full list of attendees)
Would anyone from India like to do a takeover of @Mozillagram during this weekend for the WebvR?!?
I can do it. - Ram (@ram_gurumukhi on Telegram). Whom should we contact? -> Contact Sierra Reed (@sierrar on telegram)
Working with budget allocation with the council and a survey on understanding the reps pulse on budget procedure
2 new Activities at the Activate campaign
e10s and Add-ons
TOPIC 4 - Council updates - Faisal
Council had discussion on below points during last meeting:
Regional Coaches
This week Regional Coaches doing reports about the communities they have met (SWOT), next week we’ analyze them and help them on figuring out next steps.
Draft is in progress to design an effective workflow to send outgoing communications to communities to avoid communication fragmentation.