[New addon idea: Click search text with custom search buttons]

Can someone make this ?

How it works:
Click text to search then Click 1 or more buttons (yahoo, youtube, google, wikipedia, etc) to launch a new tab search with the selected text.


  • Text copied (ctrl+c) auto-added to the lists
  • 3 Text lists:
    Recent list
    Most Run
    Custom added
  • Custom adding of search buttons (normally used for extending the “search bar”)
  • Last copied text on top and auto-selected so only a button must be pushed to launch.
  • Multi button push with holding ctrl.
  • Side bar should always On/Off option (also on new opened tabs)
  • Custom multi-launch buttons that launch multiple tab searches with 1 click (Customizable in options)
    for example search launch “Ant-Man (2015)” in imdb.com, youtube.com, rottentomatoes.com with 1 button click.

Rough Example:

Very nice idea. Very basic to make too. Just takes a little bit of time to make. You want to get into it addon making? We can hold your hand through the process im sure.

in the future i will have more time and it’s possible i’ll try to make addons,
not for the moment.