I tested all of the following services:
- https://sysdigcloud.com
- http://datadoghq.com
- https://www.serverdensity.com
- https://www.pingdom.com
- http://newrelic.com
- http://uptimerobot.com
IMHO, Sysdig Cloud doesn’t work for we(we can’t pay for an service that doesn’t attend the basic requirements).
I liked the support team of Server Density and Sysdig Cloud(they immediately sent an mail offering support for the setup, and doesn’t seems to be an automatic message).
New Relic and Uptime Robot are free services, we can use these as secondary monitoring.
By now, the biggest problem is the high cost of the “complete” services, but Server Density seems to be the best solution/price.
I don’t know what are the next steep to do(@majken, can you help me on this?).
We’ll open a budget request? If yes, I think that I know how to make the request document.