I want to nominate YuTin Liu as Mozillian of the Month - October 2019.
I first met YuTin in 2016 on a Front-end developer event. He is not only an enthusiastic developer focusing on technology, but also an active contributing and passionate about policy, equality, social campaigns, and culture of open source communities. He is actively participator of g0v community.
We had met every once and awhile, and co-work on different OSS events in the past few years. Such as Net Neutrality & Manila Principle meetup in 2017, COSCUP Arts of Community Building track in 2017 and Internet Governance & Digital Privacy track in 2018.
On November, during the weekend of 25 to 27, he had joined our Pridezilla team daily on all three events - greet hundreds of people with Firefox & Mozilla slogan banner on and the Transgender Parade and the LGBT Parade, and had support live broadcast and record of the Workplace Equality forum.
YuTin helps us record this important equality policy by Tara of the D&I team, and his specialized ability of video streaming is something that I know I can totally trust and rely upon, and helps me to focus on other things during the event.
He is a Mozillian with programming techniques and also cares about social equality. He used his ability to make the internet a better and more inclusive place.
- Twitter - x.com
- Github profile - yutin1987 (YuTin Liu) · GitHub