Nomination for Mozillian of the Month(October) starts until 11/10

Tl;dr, Please help nominate great Mozillian in your local community as Mozillian of October by November 10 (15:00 UTC).

Hi Reps,

After a whole month, did you notice any Mozillian who did well in your local community? It’s time to recognize them and make them visible. The nomination for Mozillian of the Month - October starts now!

This is a prize dedicated to all hard-working Volunteer Mozillian. With your help, we want to share their stories, learn from their efforts, and inspire more Mozillians to shape a better internet together.


  • Nominating: November 01 - November 10 (15:00 UTC)
  • Voting: November 11 - November 24 (15:00 UTC)


The nomination period starts from now to October 10 (15:00 UTC). All Reps can nominate up to one Mozillian - not limited but preferred to non-Rep, by posting to Discourse “Reps” category , with the following format:


Nominating Mozillian of the Month - {{Name or Nickname}}


The story of the nominee. Briefly introduce them and their work - Who is them? What did they do? When and where? Why do you think that is important? And How is it affect the internet and the local community?

If applicable, please also tell us how did you -as the Rep- help the nominee on their work.

Include some photos will be even better!

(Check some example nominations)


By November 11 (15:00 UTC) - I will announce voting start and post a thread on the Mozillians category, with the link to all nominees’ story.

Every Mozillians (not limited to Rep) can vote to the nominee they want to encourage by “Liking” in that voting thread until November 24 (15:00 UTC).


By November 24 15:00 UTC, the nominee who had the most “likes” in the voting thread, will win the “Mozillian of the Month (October 2019)” honor.

And after that, let’s share the story with the rest of Mozilla-verse.

In addition to the honor, we will also prepare small swags for the winner, and for you (the rep who nominated them) too, if you do tell us how did you help the nominee to success.

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October… :sweat_smile:

Voting didn’t start on time, as announced.

Please vote in the following thread, sorry for the delay.