Hi everyone,
It’s time again for the Participation call, tomorrow [Thursday Sept 17th][1] !! As with the last couple of calls we’ll have a healthy mix of sharing and discussion on important topics for Participation at Mozilla including
- Volunteer Integration: an update on what Marketpulse is teaching us about Volunteer Roles, and a share-out from Elio on Design volunteerism at Mozilla.
- What’s up in the next Participation Team Heartbeat: what we’re working on, volunteer opportunities and sneak peek into October.
Discussion includes:
- Promoting Opportunity: How do you/volunteers look for opportunities?
- How do you design volunteer tasks that are time-bound ? (meaning have deadlines)
- How do we design roles that sustain participation when staff are focused in other areas?
If you can’t make it the pad is already setup with these topics, and you can add your ideas, and feedback anytime.
If you have items to add please do so as well - we know there are lots of people doing interesting, innovative and inspiring things - we want to know!