I have had quite a few users write and ask me about their themes since they upgraded to 44! And none are happy. I have tried to help as much as possible and have asked them to please post their questions here BUT many don’t want to or don’t know how. So, I am going to “try” to bring up some of their problems and questions.
One was the white title bar at the top. (I had that problem, too) Got rid of that by downloading Hide Caption Titlebar Plus. (But they don’t like to hover over the File, View, Bookmarks, etc. for them to show up). I think some of the problems they are having is they don’t like the wide bar that changes the color in the header. This is the quote from one person; "Before today, the entire bar was TEAL but today something happened and Firefox has added couple of things.
- A BLUE bar in the middle of the “menu” area.
- Changed the color of the TEAL to a very light color of teal."
One person was angry because my Black theme turned to look gray. And I think it must be the wide bar that does gray out the toolbars.
Somehow or other that wide bar looks transparent on mine. Can someone please tell me how to help these users out? Some people have gone back to an earlier version of FF which I know isn’t good.
So I am trying to post their problems and if someone figures out my “gobbly gook” way of asking, I can give them the link to the answers!
I also had some problems with FF 44 like these, but installing the addon Classic Theme Restorer resolve nearly all 
Thanks. Someone that left a review of my Black theme did the same thing and
fixed theirs. So I am trying to contact everyone that wrote me and telling
them to do that. I haven’t heard back from anyone, though. I installed it
but couldn’t get rid of the white title bar at the top so disabled it and
installed Hide Caption Title Bar Plus and that took the white bar off. Is
there a setting in Classic Theme Restorer to get rid of the bar? If so, let
me know as I liked it except for the bar!
Unfortunately, the screenshots are in Italian, but I’m sure that the position of checkmarks is the same in all languages.
The first arrow indicates where to remove the title bar, the second to remove the background color of the navigation bar and the third to remove that of the bookmarks bar

I hope to have helped 
Thanks so much…I will send this link to the people that have asked me about the problem. And I will try it again, myself.
Hi again…I am working on the CTR and following your directions and the
arrows, etc. still can’t get rid of the white title bar. I am sending you
a screenshot of my header. Any ideas?
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Hi MaDonna,
you must put the checkmark where the arrow indicates in the first screenshot on the left … so doing the white bar comes off instantly…
Thanks, but this didn’t remove the top white title bar for me, nor for
another user. I went back to Hide Caption Titlebar Plus. Will keep updated
on what others are doing.