Plan to encourage community participation in Mozilla Reps campaigns

Hi dear reps!

One of the objectives of 2019 H2 OKRs of Rep program is,

By the end of 2019, Reps are feeling informed and are more confident to contribute to Mozilla initiatives

And we have one of the key results as,

3 communities that haven’t participated before in campaigns are now joining campaigns regularly

Which we would like to see more Reps come back from in-active status, joining campaigns, and helping other Mission-Driven-Mozillians contributing.

Here is my plan milestone to accomplish the KR,

  • Milestone 1: Identify inactive communities

  • Milestone 2: Communicate with leaders and people active within these communities (individually)

  • Milestone 3: Attempt to bring together various community leaders.

  • Milestone 4: Share information about the campaign and follow up to organize an event.

  • Milestone 5: Make a publication on the Reps blog informing about the participation of new communities

Please add your feedback, or reply here if you want to help. Thank you so much!

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In this link [1] you found the information and details for the proposal.

[1] OKR 2019 H1 - Reactivation through campaigns · Issue #395 · mozilla/Reps · GitHub

We are considering also communities with no reps?