Please unlock AMO account locked altghough valid mail has been provided

My AMO ( account is blocked from uploading add-ons, because of the signup mail I’ve used.

Following your procedure of adding another (“usual”) mail (as a secondary mail in Firefoc accounts, because I cannot change the primary one) did not help either.

See Developer accounts | Firefox Extension Workshop where this is explained.

So I did what is stated there and sent a mail at 2019-11-27 and again at 2019-12-06.
And until now I have not got any reply at all.

I have to say, this is really not nice. After all, there could be a case where I need to publish a fix for some vulnerabilities.

Also this delays some nice release things, I’ve had in the release pipeline for a a quite long time now.

As a sidenote, BTW, I also need to click and verify the account with ReCaptcha again and again of the upload.

Before the error that I am not allowed is even shown. (which makes no sense, because you could also just show me the error instantly.)

So these technical errors I have already reported here:

However, this still does not solve that my account is blocked and no one is replying to my mails.

Hi @rugkx, my sincere apologies that you haven’t received a response to your emails; this post has been flagged for our admins. Have you been able to set a secondary email address on your Firefox Account?

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Thanks, yes I have, as already said. (also verified)
However, it does not take that mail into effect when checking for the account, apparently, it only checks the main mail.

I’ll send you the details of the account via DM.