I’m new in this mozilla discourse and i started learning javascript from mdn Does mozilla discourse for help ? if i’m stuck while learning javascript from mdn or not understanding something ? sorry for my weak English my national language is not English.
Hi @Junaid_Arshad! Welcome to our community.
Yes — if you have questions or get stuck, you are welcome to ask questions here.
I can’t promise that we will always answer on the same day you post, but we will try If you put your forum posts under MDN/Learn, we are more likely to find them and answer quicker.
Good luck with your learning, and be happy!
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thanks chrisdavidmills.
Welcome @Junaid_Arshad! Good luck on your js journey! You can definitely ask questions here and here is a free book on frontend development that provides many helpful links as well:
Frontend developers handbook
Good luck!
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