Hi, we (Catalan community) are searching text sources under CC0 / Public Domain, and we found Catalan Parliament proceeding. And we have 2 question about this soure:
1st one:
I wonder if we can import phrases of this site to Common Voice, it same way we can import Europarl corpus now.
Catalan Parliament legal note says (translated with Google translate):
The information contained on this website has been included in order to make it easily available for personal or public use and may be reused without the need to obtain the express authorization of the Parliament of Catalonia or pay any price. However, the reuse of the information is limited to the following conditions:
that its meaning is not altered or distorted.
that it is not presented as an official version of the documents nor as a version made with the collaboration or with the endorsement of the Parliament of Catalonia. that the Parliament of Catalonia be identified as a source of information. specifying the date the data was updated or, if unknown, the date the data was obtained.
According to Intellectual Property Spanish law , article 13 (link in Spanish): The legal or regulatory provisions and their projects, the resolutions of the courts and the acts, agreements, deliberations and opinions of the public bodies, as well as the official translations of all the above texts are not the object of intellectual property.
So, we hope importing Catalan Parliament proceeding can be done is a similar way of Europarliament.
As 2nd question now:
Months ago a voice corpus was elaborated with Catalan Parliament data and it’s published unser CC-BY 4.0 license. It’s about 90 hours of cleaned text+clips and 213 hours of other quality text+voice. Can be imported to Common Voice too?