Queue position

Hi, how do you see which position your addon is at in the queue?

You can see that in your developer hub. Just click on your add-on there.

Yep go to this url, replace YOUR_ADDON_NAME with your addon name


For example one of my addons is named NativeShot so my url is:


And then to the top left you see queue position. But you’re in the same line as others needing admin revieiw, so it doesn’t mean that you won’t get reviewed when you hit spot 1. Like the front 50 i think are admin review, so if your addon position is 120, you are really at like postiion 70 and should be gotten to pretty fast.

The easiest way to get here is to go to you addon listing page, then sign in, then click the red button that says “manage”:smile:

Yes i’m having fun with my addon and taking screenshots with it weeee :smiley: