Really amazed how useless firefox is now

Compare with this, yesterday:

You can complain in a way that helps no-one, or you can allow the support communities to help with your case.

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Can you let us have a link to your case? Thank you

Mozilla truly failed so hard with WebExtensions. I am using Waterfox/Firefox classic but it became unusable now concerning speed.
Today I decided to have a look on the Quantum version and what I see is a mess.
It is fast…yes, but my Firefox looks like crap now.
Actually it is kind of unusable.
I was using AIO Sidebar, Add-on bar and TabMixPlus, beside many other add-ons.
Especially the bars are a MUST HAVE to get a clean usable layout when using many add-ons. But also the lack of a proper session management is ridiculous.




The expanded view of my profile includes a link to Mozilla bug 1381922 - Allow modifying/restoring back-forward history for each tab

It is impossible now to make this browser as usable as it was before.
There are even not single spaces, only flexible ones. So How am I supposed to order all those icons in a proper way when missing all additional bars and even just a spacing?? :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

MenuWizard also does not work. Nice!! Context Menu is so very much not customized to my needs now. Also thanks for this.

KeeFox also works not as before, this is very very unpleasant.

Are you all right @Mozilla??

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Yes sir you are absolutely correct. it lags freezes while watching online videos and downloading videos from IDM. mostly it freezes due to adobe flash or its addons. I think firefox is becoming useless by its every update issues. And when every update i get on firefox. I check what improvements they have made and unfortunately they never making correction on these bugs rather make fixes on other minor issues by ignoring these huge issues.

Really? That’s all you’ve got? “…allow the support communities to help with your case”? And waste more of our time than FF’s already wasted?

How many times - and in how many different ways - does the ‘Mozilla Team’ need to be told of the same problems before code monkeys stop monkeying around and do their job?

I never needed FF to play party tricks by loading 100 tabs just to fool trackers, for crying out loud. We pay for a damn good internet security system that takes care of that for us.

How about less party tricks and more relevant coding?

  1. Slow to load. FF is painfully slow to load and always has been - even with the best connection and machines money can buy.

  2. Next to no search results. Though FF claims to use Google’s search results, it doesn’t. Using the same search phrase as used on Google, Firefox can’t even come close to giving the results Google does. In fact, it completely ignores the very results we look for.

  3. Oh and this one’s a classic: online businesses are still having to advise customers to use Google when they experience any number of issues trying to shop/login/contact their site because they were trying to access it using FF - and hey hey, what do you know? They were right. Google works without drama.

It says something when online businesses know that FF is more trouble than its worth.

  1. It seems like every time we turn around, FF is loading yet another ‘update’ that does absolutely nothing to address it’s pathetically poor performance.

  2. My favourite: FF affects YouTube’s sound level so that it becomes barely audible. Removing FF removes the problem.


Hmm, I really like firefox and get no adds… Its faster than chrome… way faster, and with a bridge to onion sites to boot. I am genuinely curious how you guys set up firefox for it to be that slow? 0o Like what are you doing in settings…

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To help understand how things are prioritised, please see:

In particular:

You seem to be completely out-of-touch with reality, not to mention what users wrote above…

You are die-hard Mozilla employee as well as supporter. Loyalty is generally good thing, but within reasonable limits.


Personal attacks are not welcome on this forum. You can read about our expectations for interactions with others in our Community Participation Guidelines.

If this behavior continues, your account will be suspended.

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Calm down a little …

Where in my post did you see personal atack?


Is it threat? Is there something else you would like to tell me? If so, mark your words ma’am as you dont know neither me nor who I am. And I will not tolerate threats being directed at me.


And that’s the kind of behavior that isn’t accepted here.



I’m an employee of a university, I have never been an employee of Mozilla.

Quantum still sucks in 2020 and will never be great again. Firefox will never admit they dropped the ball with legacy killer version 57.

I still keep looking at Firefox to improve so I can leave Chrome. I never can. It’s usually unstable and consumes all available memory on my system and locks it up after a day of usage. In Chrome I can have 20 tabs open. Leave(Put PC to sleep), come back and operate as normal. Under the same environment and usage, Firefox will eat all 16GBs of ram and sometimes completely lock up my PC and force me to reboot. This has been happening for YEARS and they refuse to address it. Firefox has been bad for me since version 2.2+ or something like that. FF 2.0 was amazing and I wish we could go back to that time. I came to FF from Mozilla (Back then I started on Mozilla and then went to Mozilla Suite). They stopped Mozilla Suite and then I had to have 3 applications again. FF, Thunderbird, and mIRC, but since then I’ve stopped using IRC and I just find it unnecessary to have an email application at the moment, but I will still choose TB, should the need arise again. I have been watching for 16 YEARS, Mozilla. You haven’t fixed it. I have been a disappointed fan for 20. Let that sink in.

I truly wish someone would just fork 1.8 of Firefox and just add the security and HTML5/CSS3/Javascript updates for rendering. No GUI changes. Nothing. Just mint 1.8 with basic upgrades.

Do you sometimes use SeaMonkey Browser? (I did, until cessation of the port to FreeBSD.)

I mean, it’s not based on Firefox 1.8 but for people who want a browser with the potential to visually resemble an archaic version, the SeaMonkey application suite might be of interest.


To fix this, I think this reply needs replies.

What is the real problem? If we know this maybe there is a solution eventually.

Could addons be the problem? Who else thinks this? But then what type of addins and why?
Questions to find answers to by seriously choosing a right path.

Or how ever else have a friendly actually user based browser. Chrome works better in a way, but it is not a user based browser like Firefox. You don’t want to have to rely on it.

I use some addons in my chrome based browser. That don’t seem to touch certain functionality in browsers. They seem to stay at a distance. When I turn to Firefox, it’s a different way of thinking about the addons. What I want to chose and what is available.

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