Recommended text editor?

Hi @chrisdavidmills! Everything ok? I just wanted to know which txt editor do you recommend for writing code? Is there anyone that allows you to select diferent selectors or parts and give them specific colors or select them so they are clearly viewable? An example: could be really usefull to just see the comments on a html or css documents. I use brackets.

Hi there!

Brackets is pretty good. I really like Atom, as it is easy to customise with packages (e.g. to add linters or other useful tools). I also like Sublime Text, although I find customization a bit more fiddly with that one.

Most of the modern editors are pretty good these days.

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Hi all!

VSCode from Microsoft starts to have a good reputation too these days.


Hi, I find Sublime Text to be really helpful in this regard, its fast and stable but also contains syntax highlighting which I find helpful. Hope this helps.