Reopening of Mozilla Reps Program Feedback/Survey

Hi Folks


We have decided to reopen the survey “Mozilla Reps Program Feedback/Survey”. The reason for reopening the survey is to reach a larger audience and collect more feedback.

Completing this survey helps Mozilla Reps council understand how the program has helped reps develop their community building efforts, personal and professional growth as a part of the Mozilla community and how we can best assist reps continue with the program .

Mozilla Reps Feedback/Survey form is available [here]

The deadline to submit the Feedback/Survey is Monday, 1 July 2019.

Your responses will be kept confidential and will help us better support you and projects. Only council members will have access to the survey results.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thanks & Regards

Shahid Ali Farooqui

On behalf of Reps Council