Reps Council Meeting Notes - 21/09/2016

Review Team Update
Review team already in the transition mode, but since the portal is not ready yet, the transition mode is extended. Konstantina gave updates regarding the Maker Party in EU.

Functional Areas Updates
We discussed to refine and update the functional areas on the portal to align with Mozilla’s current structure and to enable you to report your activities more efficiently. Communication for feedback were sent to Reps-General list and Discourse.

Improve Outgoing Communication
Michael and Alex came up with an idea on how to improve outgoing communication. Michael and Alex to create document and share it with the Council.

Council Meeting Time
We discussed to change the Council meeting time, since there are new Council already onboarded with different timezone and availability.

Council Chair for October/November
@alex_lakatos will take over the Council chair position starting at the beginning of October 2016. We announced this separately on Discourse and reps-general as well.

Activate Campaign
We discussed about how to increase Reps’ participation on MozActivate. Alex to share a google form to gather feedback from everyone.

Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.

Many thanks,

On behalf of the Reps Council