Amazing Reps, I saw an huge participation for the meeting but for problem of internet connections and hours appointment I am here to share to you the super proposal.
We need your feedback in the document about the step that we have decide and also about what is the Regional Coach Rep.
So what is the Regional Coach?
Be a bridge between communities in the same region
This role is not a power structure nor a decision maker, it just help the communities in the region
Have a clear view of local communities status, problems, needs
Help local communities surface any issues or concerns
Provide guidance/coaching on Mozilla’s goals to local communities
Run regular checkins with communities and volunteers in the region
Coordinate with the rest of regional coaches on a common protocol, best practices
This is a rotational role that will be renewed each X months (6 months vs 1 year).
I hope that now you are curious to study the proposal that we discuss at the MozLondon.
What are the next steps?
Choose the candidates but also define the countries list of every region.
But first to ask How I can candidate me? Forgot that step and review the document!
If I may suggest, I guess the term “Regional Coordinator” or “Regional Reps Coordinator” suites best the “job description” rather than a “coach” for a particular region. The way I see it, this people will serve as conduit between the Mozilla, Mozilla Reps Council and the regions/locales that they will represent (to ensure that communication of pertinent information are cascaded down to the individual Reps of a region/country).
We want to avoid any word that can let anyone think this is a power/governance position.
“Lead”, “coordinator”, “manager”, and even “mobilizer” for some people/cultures… are all words that can lead to misunderstanding and not everyone is going to read the position description (this is part of the discussion we had in the past meeting and ended with “coach”).
People in this group are going to coach regional communities, this is not the only way to connect local communities with the rest of the org, it’s just another one. People in this work are not going to organize, coordinate or take decisions for local communities or Reps program.
Motivator is not enough because the role have the purpose of training not motivate.
To be motivate in Mozilla it is very easy follow the planet.mozilla or other website, track discourse, and be involved in the activity.