As a way to better support local communities and make the Reps program a more representative program for all mozillians, we are kickstarting an initiative called “Reps Regional Coaches”.
Our goal with this is to have a group of 1-2 people per region (group of countries) that can act as coaches and bring back to the Council local insights about what’s going on, needs, concerns, feedback, ideas and others from local communities in their region, as well as provide guidance on what are the focus initiatives for Mozilla right now and coaching on how to better handle local communities.
This is not a decision making position, it’s a role to help, support and empower local communities from the Reps program. This is a rotational role that will be renewed each 6 months. This call is open for any Rep or Participation Leader.
If you are interested in it, please make sure you check the logistic commitments and responsibilities below.
Role Description
Develop a clear view of local communities status, problems, needs.
Help local communities surface any issues or concerns.
Provide guidance/coaching on Mozilla’s goals to local communities.
Run regular checkins with communities and volunteers in the region.
Coordinate with the rest of regional coaches on a common protocol, best practices.
Be a bridge between communities in the same region.
This role is not a power structure nor a decision maker, it just helps the communities in the region.
Logistic commitment
At least 5h per week to devote to this task.
Have a max of 72h response time to communications.
Be able to meet (audio/video) with regional communities and others.
We have opened a form to sign-up for this group that will be opened until July 20th.
From all applicants the Council will decide 1-2 per region and training will be provided to all of them, as well as a list of initial activities.
Do you know a mozillian that would be a good fit for this role? Please reach out and ask to apply!
Note: By region o regional we mean a group of countries in the same area/region.
PS: Thanks to all the people involved in the proposal and for the interest established about this initiative.
I’d like to apply but I’m not currently living in my country/region (assuming that my region is the one were I’ve started contributing). Would that be a problem? Do I need to be “physically” present on my region?
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(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
No, but you would need availability to online meet people in your region timezone.
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Another important point: Please, reach out personally to mozillians you feel this position could be interesting for them and encourage them to apply
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Based on some questions: By “region” or “regional” we mean a group of countries in the same area/region.
This is super long time commitment, and I’m worried it may cost the one’s all voluntary time.
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
This is a super important task and definitely will involve a lot of time.
It’s up to you to balance your volunteer time, but I guess some people will be happy devoting most of their mozilla time to this, which is also supporting the organization (even if it’s not doing something functional)
This is not a decision making position, it’s a role to help, support
and empower local communities from the Reps program. This is a
rotational role that will be renewed each 6 months. This call is open
for any Rep or Participation Leader.
is will there be enough people to renew every 6 months because the time is short ?
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
That’s a good question, I’m confident we have enough skilled mozillians willing to support the countries in their region. We are thinking on 10 regions world wide.
What are the names of regions / countries that you think of first ?
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Region 1: USA, Canada
Region 2: Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Uruguay
Region 3: Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic.
Region 4: Hungary, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia, Israel
do we just come up with missing country here? eg., Japan.
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(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
You are right, added. The initial list was created based on the countries where we had Reps instead of where we have active communities. Please, flag any other missing country
Yep because initially was only for Reps but now is opened also for Participation Leaders and at the same time we are working with the firsts coaches as experiment so add all the country will be difficult to see what’s going on.
Hey guys,
we are missing people from the region, there are few now but we need more to evaluate the right person so apply!
It will be an awesome experience and will improve the relationship with near communities.