I am looking for someone willing to help me port an add-on to WebExtensions, as my old add-on won’t work with the new Firefox in a few days. Mozilla’s Jorge Villalobos kindly pointed me to this forum.
A while back, I hired a programmer to write an add-on to Firefox for me to simplify my work flow (here’s what it does: I copy and paste a list of names into a pop-up window, and for each name a new tab is opened and the name is googled). Unfortunately, I don’t understand what it is I must do to keep the add-on functionality. More specifically, I am aware of the instructions, but as a non-programmer don’t understand any of it: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Porting_a_legacy_Firefox_add-on
I hope that somebody here might be able and willing to help, please. I have no idea how difficult or time-intensive this is for someone who has the skill to do it. I don’t even know which files I have to make available; there are .json, .js, .min, and .xpi files.
Your help would be much appreciated. Or a pointer on where to hire someone, as well as what skills to look for.
Thank you very much!