When I’ve screwed up my Raspberry Pi 3 and want to start over from scratch, how can I reclaim the domain at mozilla-iot.org? I anticipate screwing up a lot (this is, after all, experimental), and I don’t want to create a bunch of orphaned subdomains. The documentation at https://github.com/mozilla-iot/registration_server/blob/master/doc/flow.md seems to indicate that it can be done, but I don’t know how to activate that procedure.
UPDATE: The procedure described by Michael Stegeman (mstegeman) worked for me. The certificate error that appeared to interfere with my previous effort occurred only when I was behind a particular proxy firewall. When I tried the procedure on a different network, I was able to connect to my subdomain with no problems.
The lesson: If you’re behind a proxy that monitors SSL connections, make sure that it uses a certificate that can be verified by a third-party certificate authority. Proxy certificates that are created by a local certificate authority or self-signed certificates, will be detected as invalid. Later on, I will investigate the procedure for adding such certificates to the chain on the gateway before subdomains are created, but for these experiments, it’s not important now.