For the last few days, I tried to submit my extension but I get the error like the screenshot below. I didn’t get this error before, so I don’t have a clue why I am getting this error all of the sudden.
I have no problem loading the extension with the “load temporary add-on” function at the firefox debug page. Does anyone have any ideas?
(Caitlin Neiman)
July 8, 2020, 11:41pm
Hi @developer_developer , can you please open an issue and include the file you tried to submit?
Thanks, I opened up an issue. I would really appreciate if you take a look!
opened 12:42AM - 09 Jul 20 UTC
closed 12:20PM - 15 Jan 21 UTC
### Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:
(Please include as many det… ails as possible.)
At the new version submission page, click on "choose file" and select the attached source (zip file).
### What happened?
Whenever I tried to submit my extension it spits out the "Sorry we couldn't load your WebExtension" error. I didn’t get this error before, so I don’t have a clue why I am getting this error all of the sudden.
### What did you expect to happen?
To pass the automated validation tests without any errors.
### Anything else we should know?
I have no problem loading the extension with the “load temporary add-on” function at the firefox debug page.
(Please include a link to the page, screenshots and any relevant files.)
