I don’t know if this has been brought up or not, but I was wondering on what basis were the categories on the main page sorted?
As a Rep, I am more interested in categories like Reps, Community Building, Communities etc and would like them on top. It shouldn’t but kinda bothers me that the topics that aren’t relevant to me are taking a lot of space in the front page. Is there any way I can drag and drop the categories according to my need? Thanks!
I think Discourse sorts them by activity, as they’re in a different order for me. We can fix the order instead, but that would fix it for everyone.
I think it would be great for people to be able to set their own homepage. I do think it would be nice for people to get a page that puts the categories they follow at the top. Though please look around at the new/latest/unread pages and let us know if those pages would be even better or if you’d still like a customized category sort page.
Discourse is in active development and it has a good plugin ecosystem as well, so most tweaks are possible. If you’re interested (and have time) to help develop hacks let us know.