After successfully installing SQLite Manager as a add-on, I am unable to run it from either the Web Developer tab or in the Features pane as suggested by several instructions for Firefox add-ons. I am using Firefox 79 on a Windows 10 Pro, 2004 machine. Note my add-ons list with SQLite Manager enabled attached. Why doesn’t it show up in the Web Developers tab pull-down list? Thanks for any help on this.
2020-08-13T07:00:00ZWhat do you mean by the develipers tab pull down list? The toolbar button/sub menu of the hamburger menu?
The extension can’t appear there. It likely either has its own button or is available within the developer toolbox (f12)
Hi freaktechnik, thanks for replying. I was lead to believe that SQLite Manager would end up in the list under Web Developer which is under the Tools in my Tool Bar after it is installed. I also tried to follow a tutorial video on YouTube that shows it ending up in the main menu list or in the Customize/Tools and Features pane.
I don’t see SQLite Manager in either of these places as well. Where would I find the developer toolbox? Is it under the Tools tab in the Tool Bar?
Freaktechnik, I just found it on the URL bar above the bookmarks bar next to the Firefox Account Icon. It appears as 3 small parallel bars with a red line at the bottom. Strange that it does not appear any where else. I checked it out and it seems to be working fine. Thanks for your patience, I am good to go.