Four years ago, I suggested having the planning AddOn to TB to support Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Here are a few details for those not familiar with the Stephen R Covey planning concepts. First off, the planning uses a four quadrant matrix similar to one used by a famous historical person. I will attach two files. The first one explains the quadrant time management matrix and the second is a planner sheet template file. This a template file, someone created in Excel for the weekly planning sheet that I borrowed from: The planner has Roles and Goals, Sharpen-the-Saw, a time designated plan for a week with appointments/commitments, and Priorities. I think the feature should let a user to create a year set of roles and year/long-term goals in the roles. Another feature would be to enable the user to create a expandable task lists that are repeatable and applied to the Sharpen-the-saw, priorities, and another planning area called a three week plan of activities or tasks for accomplishing one goal that is related to the roles and goals. The task/activities user created list could be: writing a thank you letter, visiting my sister, run on treadmill for 20 minutes, etc. Roles could be: Gardener, Teacher, Inventor, Writer/Author, Mother, Son, Board member, Stockholder, Team Leader, Sales Representative, Engineer-in-Training, Project Lead, Team Member, Resident Subject Expert, Student, Mentor, Life Coach, Spouse, Business Partner, Lawyer Consultant, etc. Sharpen-the-Saw activities could be: reading, planning, exercising, visiting partner, studying, etc that are specific to the areas: physical, mental, spiritual, social/emotional.