[Support] Refresh Blocker

Please post your support questions about Refresh Blocker here.

Thank you

"white list match patterns" doesn’t work
nothing saved and store on that dialog.so white list doesn’t work.

about:addons ->click options of Refresh Blocker ->click “add…” add white list site
click ok(nothing added to white list match patterns) then click save show "preference saved successfully notification "
but don’t work at all!
firefox 45.0.2
thanks please fix

Which OS is it?

After saving, you go to your Firefox Profile folder - Firefox. There should be a new file there "refresh-blocker.txt"
It is a normal text file.

Which pattern are you trying to add?

I tested it on Windows 10 Firefox 47 and I was able to add and remove stuff from the whitelist. Clicking save made it persist.

windows 7
content of “refresh-blocker.txt” look like this:

it don’t save believe me :slightly_smiling:
at least for firefox 45

also tested on clean profile (new profile).
i see there is a rule https://www.mozilla.org/* by default
try adding my rule but still don’t save.it jus saying,saving but nothing happen

I am also on Win7 but FF46.0.1

That means that the prefs were saved and hence the file.
You didnt say which rule/pattern you are trying to add.

Normally, if there is a problem with the pattern, it should give a warning. I am going to check the MatchPattern.jsm of FF45 to see if there is an issue although I dont expect it to be.

Update: I checked it and there shouldn’t be a problem.

i don’t matter which url it happen in every url that refresh
when i add it say save after that i get the notice at top that refresh blocked
the rule look like that https://www.mozilla.org/* anyway

If the patterns are empty, it adds https://www.mozilla.org/* as a sample

Try adding:
and then SAVE
Open the Options again and see …

don’t work
also found that in ctrl+shift+j

TypeError: aPattern.matchers[0].schemes is undefined options.js:140:7

You are right … sorry about the problem.

I think I know where the problems is. Firefox changed something in MatchPattern.jsm between v45 & v46.

I have changed it compatibility to FF46 for now.

You can upgrade to the current FF46 or wait for me to make a fix for it.
I am working on it and will release a new update soon.

Update: Version 1.2 is uploaded and will be available as soon as it is reviewed.

Fixed a bug where add/edit pattern was not working due to changes (scheme to schemes) in Firefox module MatchPattern.jsm between Firefox 41-45 and Firefox 46.*
Added option to delete Refresh Blocker Preferences on uninstall

thank you now that work finally
also check it also
i export rule but import wont work

A promise chain failed to handle a rejection. Did you forget to ‘.catch’, or did you forget to ‘return’?
See https://developer.mozilla.org/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm/Promise

Date: ---------ichange the time-------
Full Message: TypeError: aPattern.matchers[0].schemes is undefined
Full Stack: addValidPatterns@chrome://refresh-blocker/content/options.js:273:1
Handler.prototype.process@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm → resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:933:23
this.PromiseWalker.walkerLoop@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm → resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:812:7
this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm → resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:746:1

yes… you are right… the same thing that was happening in ADD PATTERN is happening in import and I forgot to fix that one.

I will fix it it and upload a new version.

Update: v1.4 is uploaded and ready.

thank you working now :smile::relaxed:

Minor bit if feedback: I suspect this is not designed to work on Android, but it doesn’t actually specify that on the addon page (mobile version) so I tried to install it (in v46). I get a ‘Downloading addon’ toast, but no other message indicating failure to install.

An Android version would be nice - eventually.

At the moment, I don’t use any Android device to test the addon on it. If I get one, or if someone wants to test and tell me if there are errors, then I will fix it.

If Firefox of Android has a console, can you check to see if there are any errors?
Maybe this one (not tested): Console

I have a console addon, and extensions.logging.enabled true. When I attempt to install I see this.

`1464522432832 addons.xpi DEBUG Download started for https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/703224/addon-703224-latest.xpi to file /data/data/org.mozilla.firefox/app_tmpdir/tmp-gzi.xpi

1464522432844 addons.xpi DEBUG Download of https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/703224/addon-703224-latest.xpi completed.

1464522433244 addons.update-checker DEBUG Requesting https://versioncheck.addons.mozilla.org/update/VersionCheck.php?reqVersion=2&id=refresh-blocker@eros.man&version=1.4&maxAppVersion=&status=userEnabled,incompatible&appID={aa3c5121-dab2-40e2-81ca-7ea25febc110}&appVersion=46.0&appOS=Android&appABI=arm-eabi-gcc3&locale=en-GB&currentAppVersion=46.0&updateType=49&compatMode=normal

1464522434196 addons.xpi DEBUG Cancelling download of https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/703224/addon-703224-latest.xpi

1464522434200 addons.xpi DEBUG removeTemporaryFile: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/703224/addon-703224-latest.xpi removing temp file /data/data/org.mozilla.firefox/app_tmpdir/tmp-gzi.xpi`

To work in Fennec I assume you’d need a different UI for the prefs, but I don’t actually know. (I’ve used simple prefs in Fennec, which is only fixed in v48)

Thank you @DaveRo

I will ask around about it and find a solution if possible. :slightly_smiling:

After some reading, it seems these kind of addons (using XPCOM etc APIs) won’t work on Firefox for Android. WebExtension is/will be supported but it won’t provide the level of access needed for this type of addon.

Extensions for Firefox for Android

Add-ons that work with desktop Firefox do not automatically work in Firefox for Android:

  • There is no visible XUL in the UI, so you can’t use an overlay to create the UI.
  • Internal code and objects, like gBrowser, do not exist. Look at the Firefox on Android browser.js file to learn about the internals. Much of the same fundamental functionality exists.
  • Services like nsIPromptService and nsIAlertsService are implemented to use native Android UI. 
  • There is a simple JavaScript object, called NativeWindow, that allows you to manipulate parts of the native Android UI.

Yes - I know that. As I said earlier I suspected it was a desktop-only add-on. But the AMO page mentions web extensions so I wasn’t sure what technology it uses.

Is the add-on specified as desktop only? If so AMO should have told me it was incompatible and not allowed me to download it. And if it’s incorrectly specified as Android-compatible Fennec shouldn’t have told me it was downloading and then silently failed. That’s my feedback!