Tables content

Hello everyone! :hugs:

I finished task Structuring planet data

Please check my solution:

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Github Pages

Thank you and have a nice day! :pray:

Hello @trueAliser

you doing great well done just little notice about colgroup

        <col style="border: 3px solid black">

you can write it as

        <col span="2">
        <col style="border: 3px solid black">
        <col span="9">

it shorter why we used the col span="9" cause the validator would check if the number of col in the colgroup is the same as the number in your table or not

and check this

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Thank you very match.

I could not understand why the errors in the validator, but i figured it out now.

Have a nice day!


you very welcome and glad to help and thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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