It’s time for me to move on as a staff Mozillian after 4.5 years. It’s always been busy and interesting, and I worked on many things with and for the Mozilla community. These have included:
Supporting European communities, and later communities around the world
Firefox OS launches globally
Firefox releases and campaigns such as Firefox 29 (Australis) and (a volunteer-built site)
Mozilla Reps evolution
Connected Devices Participation
Community Spaces
Activate Mozilla
Many, many, events from hackathons to MozCamps/Summits, Work Weeks, Leadership Summits, community gatherings, and so on.
Every day the inspiration for me was you. In particular your commitment to Mozilla’s mission, your dedication, your hard work and to compliment all that your great humour and friendship. I could relate after being a volunteer for many years before being a staff member.
I’m taking a little time off now before jumping into something new, but will still be around lurking and seeing if there is anywhere I can jump in and bring value.
Feel free to reach out if you want to chat at any time, you know where to find me.
Thanks a lot Brian for all you support to the volunteer community, you have
been really amazing and helpful to us all the time. Wishing you a very good
luck and hope to see you again sometime
Thanks a lot for the awesome years Brian! You’re among the heroes that made me want to be a part of this community. Good luck over there and if you’re ever by South America, ping me.
Hi Brian,
As long as I remember being a mozillian, you’ve been here. I remember a lot of FOSDEM, talking about mozilla or Rugby (because there was always a 6 nations tournament game during FOSDEM) over a beer.
I also love your equanimity coupled to your fighting spirit (sounds like an oxymoron, but those who know Brian know it is possible). Mozillians and communities are losing a great support, you will be greatly missed in our daily mozillian life.
But Europe is not so big that our paths won’t cross again.
Hope to see you again
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Brian, you have been always a reference for me since I joined this community: Wise, optimistic and charismatic.
Mozilla and its community was built and shaped by people like you, we have fought many battles together and I’m sure our paths will be connected again defending the open web.
To be honest, when I was still on staff, I always envied you (in a very friendly way) for being able to work on community topics and with the awesome volunteers in this community every single day - and when I was back to being a volunteer myself, you helped to re-strengthen my inspiration to be in and help in this community.
Outside of that, it has always been great to meet you at all kinds of events - from the first European Mozilla meeting in Frankfurt in 2000, via tons of FOSDEMs, MozCamps and whatnot, to the ones where we met up as Mozilla staff, and I hope there will be more to come.
After all, you have been living “Once a Mozillian, always a Mozillian” in some form since long before cbeard seems to have coined that phrase - and I hope you will be continue to be faithful to it in the future!
Brian, I don’t have a long experience working with you unlike others. But you have always been extremely humble and supporting every single time I have approached you. I have been learning the awesome projects you have led all these years. It is going to be little awkward to not see you around in your staff capacity. But our paths will keep crossing. Wishing you all the best for your next venture. And see you around.
Brian, thanks for all the support, guidance and motivation. Take care and see you soon (Note: you are my Reps Mentor so I guess you will ping me soon for a lack of activity reporting - haha).
Our paths have only crossed lightly Brian, but all of my interactions with you have shown you to embody the standards and ethos that is fundamental to Mozilla.
you’ve always been there for me as a mentor and a friend so thank you.
Thank you also for your contributions to Mozilla, you’ve been an inspiration for all of the community with your optimism and wisdom.
Brian: It was great working with you on a lot of different community projects and events. I liked your contemplative style and I think it worked very well with the community. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do next!
What can I say? You’re the reason I’m involved with Mozilla and have made so many friends. You didn’t have to reply to my email back in 2012 but thank you for doing so as it put me on a journey I could not even believe possible with so many awesome people. I poked and nudged you all these years, looking for help on how to be a better mozillian and a better person. It won’t be the same without you, a mozilla event isn’t one without Brian and I’m sure that I am not alone thinking that.
I wish you nothing but the best and I’m sure I’ll see you soon!
Thanks for all your work and support over these years, and wish you the best on your new adventures. You will be missed, but once a Mozillian always a Mozillian, maybe our paths will cross again!