Hi all, this will be brief so please ask questions. We’re starting to revive meetings. Currently we’re planning to have meetings at 2 different times. We’ve selected the first time based on mine and @mrz’s availability, it will be Thursdays at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern (Currently in DST, we switch back to standard time in November). I have sent some of you invites, but if I missed you please let me know your email address for google cal stuff.
These meetings will be different than what we were doing, it won’t be team meetings with everyone discussing things and giving updates. The current intention is to make this meeting a triage meeting, so we will use the meeting time to review open bugs and progress on action items. So if this time doesn’t work for you, it’s ok.
Anything that we would have discussed in the old meetings should be discussed/announced here for now.
If you can’t make this meeting time regularly please reply and let us know so we know who to plan the 2nd meeting time around.
There are 37 opened issues. For tomorrow’s meeting I’d like to quickly run though these. We’ll either WONTFIX them or figure out how to prioritize them.
We can do like everyone else and either have a pad or a wiki page where we link to the notes. The trade off is it makes it harder to view notes from different meetings at once. We did it your way for ages, you lose :-p