There are a number of cases where Firefox will say this, but the file itself is actually ok.
For example Firefox sometimes Firefox will not allow you to install the extension if you already have (an other version of) the extension installed. Removing the installed extension and trying again helps.
And sometimes simply trying again without doing anything else works too.
You should also find out whether you can install your file into a completely blank profile.
Well, I have also tried to install in two other computers that I have at home, one of them running Windows and the other running Elementary OS. Nevertheless in both cases I got the same error message. Sincerelly I do not have any idea of what may be causing the problem, once I do not use antivirus or any other software which could interfer in the instalation proccess.
I have also tried to install in the mobile version (for Android), but without success too.
Here is the error log of browser console:
I have tried to update the version with some adjusts recommended by AMO team, but without success.
I strongly believe that It cannot be a simple coincidence (in four different devices). If you could also just test it for me, I would be glad.
That should work. Anyway, here are a couple of things that could go wrong and that might be a reason for a “corrupted” zip file:
wrong line endings, \r\n works
wrong text file encoding, utf-8 works
something wrong with the BOM. I have no idea whats requires here.
wrong file name encoding in the zip file. utf-8 should work. Your zipping software chooses this, and it may actually important, especially if any file or folder in your archive has a non-ASCII name.
ZIP compression: STORE and DEFLATE should work I guess.
something stupid regarding the order of the entries in the archive.
Conclusion: Make sure all your files are saves with the correct encoding etc, and then use web-ext to pack your extension. It uses the pure-js implementation jszip, with a configuration that definitely works ==> it doesn’t get more platform defendant than that.
Oh my god, It worked like a charm.
I have just used web-ext build command instead of the 7zip or Windows default compressor, so it worked.
I have released a new beta version here: Histórico de versões do SafeSearch Enforcer - 8 versões – Extensões para o Firefox (pt-BR) , to test and it is OK (even without the ID).
I do not know what was going wrong, but now I am going to release the stable version as 1.1.3.
Thank you so much (I did not knew about this tool before).