Hello everyone, this is a hail mary and I hope it’s not a silly question.
I need to make an HTTP request to ‘get’ my arduino data in the form of JSON from of my gateway and onto my javascript website, but I only receive responses in the from of “text/html”. I’m guessing I’m not the first to do this but my searches are coming up empty, so how do you all get your JSON data from the API?
I’ve been experimenting with a more efficient form of hot/arid aquaponic veggie gardening in the middle of nowhere and I monitor my arduino sensor data with web-things. I wanted to share live data publicly as a kind of proof that I’m not making this up. So I figured I’d make a simple React.js dashboard on my website using ChartJS with some streaming data overlays similar to Web Thing’s “logs”.
As a jumping off point, I’m trying to get the temperature reading from my DHT22 taken on a NodeMCU arduino board. I’d like to keep using web things because it’s great and it would be fantastic to just fetch my json data from one place. On top of that, most of my automation runs on the rules feature and I’m not the best developer so reprogramming my arduinos doesn’t sound fun. I can also make a backend for my website to store the data, I just really don’t want to because if I can’t make a GET response work, I don’t think I should mess with POST
Because I’m using react, I’m making an axios call using the .get().then().catch() methods and im calling
I have to guess that my issue is in the syntax, like 90% of my web dev problems, but only having taught myself to code in the last few months, I can’t be too sure.
I’ve been nerding out hard on web things like crazy these last few weeks and this is my first post, so if I haven’t supplied enough info, please let me know.