So since the Theme and Font Size Changer add-on isn’t compatible with the latest update, what are visually impaired people like me supposed to do? I can’t read Mozilla’s tiny font on the bookmark toolbar, etc. Please help!
Hi! Your operating system (e.g. Windows) probably has global font settings you can change that Firefox should respect. For web content we have this support article – hope that helps.
I’m having the same problem and my operating system (Mac OS 10.11) has no such global font setting. Your response is useless to me, just like Firefox is now useless to me. I’m really angry about this update and the fact that you very obviously don’t care about anyone with any level of visual impairment or aging eyes. Time to switch to Chrome, I guess.
Indeed, Windows and Linux have options to enlarge fonts globally which will also affect Firefox. But not macOS. “Theme and Font Size Changer” was really useful mostly on macOS. I guess we should create a feature request for built-in alternative to the aforementioned add-on.
Just wondering, how do you use macOS after all? From my experience, it’s the worst OS from the perspective of visually impaired (not the completely blind though). All it have is global zoom (Control+Mouse Wheel) and an ability to emulate higher display DPI which causes all UI to be rendered bigger. Same situation with colors: there is no real high contrast theme (only full invert which is, emm, probably better than nothing but it’s still awful).
Unfortunately, this is no longer the case with recent updates to Windows 10. The ability to control font sizes no longer exists, other than through system-wide scaling. These days, in developers’ rush to standardize and combine functionality across applications (i.e. gain access to as much of each user’s life as possible), the word “update” is synonymous with “make the produce less flexible for end users.”