(Chiorean Ioana)
- Thursday October 8th, 15:00 UTC
- Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
- Help me with my project
- What we’re working on in Council
- Participation Gatherings ( George)
- Participation @ MozFest (Emma)
- Firefox Os meetup Paris (Brian)
- Moztech Speakers (Havi
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!
(Michael Kohler)
Raw etherpad notes
- Hi my name is Rosana, this is my first time with Etherpad lite
- Hi, I am Ioana and there are to many greens to choose from…
- Hi, I am Petras from Lithuania.
- Hi I am Brian from Slovenia … live from the community space!
- Hi, I’m Havi from California (Mtn View office)
- Hi, I’m San James from Kampala, Uganda
- Konstantina and Martyna, today from Paris
- Francisco from Madrid
- Hi, I am Ikram from Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Hi my name is Christos and I am from Greece
- Hi my name is Umesh and I am from India.
- Hi my name is Ahsan and surviving from Bangladesh
- Hi my name is Mariot and I am from Madagascar
- Hi it’s Flaki from an obscure Budapest café he was meaning to visit for some time anyway
- Hi, I’m Anis from Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Hi, I am Ankit, from Pune, India
- Hi, I am Luna from Stockholm, Sweden
- Hi I am Viswa from tamilnadu India
- HI I am Faisal, Etherad lite is actually slow
- Hi I am Alex Lakatos, and I’m in Bucharest now at a conference, just finished talking about Firefox OS.
- Hi, I am Sammy Fung from Hong Kong.
- Hi , I am Bolaram Paul from Sylhet,Bangladesh (feeling hungry)
Topic 2 - Firefox OS Participation Update (Brian)
- brand new FX OS Participation program
- goal are
- get more people use Firefox OS (foxfooding)
- increasing the number of technical contributions
- Be the foundation of Firefox OS Team of about 15 right now and expanding and we are focusing on Firefox OS participation
- Meetup:
- set some KPIs
- make the plan for better and easier for participation
- Participation HUB - one stop to start your contributions
Contact Brian and William to get involved!
Topic 3 - Participation at MozFest (Emma)
Slides here:
- Forget everything that you know! ( PS - remember though the metro lines)
- Deliberate intersection between to the theme-based floors
- Github milestone = Theme
- Our major input in Building Participation
- New Technologies for Participation
- Leading and building Community through Participation
- Scalling Participatory Learning Experiences
Not at MozFest:
- Visibility ( discourse, blog posts, etc)
- Workshop and curiculum
Topic 4 - Moztech Speakers (Havi)
- Developer Relations team started the program in the spring.
- There are lots of Reps who would like to join in these session, how can they?
- Current format cannot really scale -> you could help us figure out how could we scale this (see above).
- The second pilot is still ongoing (has just started few weeks ago), there is no way to join that at this point unfortunately.
- It’s still unclear how we’ll go forward from there after the second pilot is over.
- There is a Facebook group of Evangelism Reps, do you plan to manage/curate it?
- we are some admins there which at the moment clean the bad posting but we do not add new persons
- but I think we need to encourage more of the program attendees to shar emroe there
- the program accepts non tech persons?
- YES!!! Meaning you don’t have to a developer to join. But the focus is on technology and talking to technical/developer audiences
- Stay tuned! Learn more at Global Gatherings…
- Help us figure out how to scale. Start a small Tech Speaking group with your friends or in your own community (see blog below)
- Havi’s ACTION ITEM: how to integrate Tech Speakers present and future w/Facebook Evangelism Reps page
Topic 7 - What we’re working on in Council (Ankit)
Etherpad migration
- The participation team along with the IT team are putting a huge effort on having a smooth transition.
- There was a call to action in Reps- general from Rosana, you can help by responding to it (if necessary)
Coaching communities - the Kerala community
- council established a communication with this amazing community
- they have a really promising plan and council will help them achieve it
- council is always available for coaching at
New Reps application Queue
- There are some delays in mentors assignment which will be solved by early next week
New council members voting period
- The process will begin soon by the module owner Pierros
Don’t forget that council is always available to reach out at