Weekly Call 2015-10-29


  • Thursday October 29th, 16:00 UTC


  • Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.

AirMozilla video

Weekly call details:


  1. Help me with my project
  2. What we’re working on in Council - @shahidfarooqui
  3. MozFest updates
  4. FOSDEM - @franc
  5. Your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!

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Raw notes here.


  1. Hi, my name is Bolaram Paul, from Sylhet,Bangladesh
  2. Hi ! I am Prathamesh Chavan from Pune, India.
  3. Hi! my name is @desh , and I’m from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Just woke up! :smiley:
  4. I am Jb From Uganda
  5. Hi, my name is Yofie from Jakarta, Indonesia.
  6. Hi, my name is Faisal from India
  7. Hi I am Surit from Nepal.
  8. Hi My name is Stefan and I am from the land of open source and community
  9. Hi I am Shahid from India
  10. Hi I am Harsha Bandaru from Hyderabad India
  11. Hi, my name is Mariot, and I am from Madagascar
  12. Konstantina and Greece is getting colder (16 C!!)
  13. @Petras from Lithuania (4 C)
  14. Hi, My name is Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh.
  15. Michael from Switzerland
  16. Hi - Emma from Sooke
  17. Hi, my name is Francisco, from Madrid.
  18. Hi, my name is Ajay Kumar Jogawath and I am from Hyderabad, India.
  19. Hi, my name is Biraj Karmakar, India
  20. Hi my name is Umesh and I am from India :slight_smile:

Shout outs!

TOPIC 1 - MozFest - updates ( Emma,Francisco) - 5 min

TOPIC 2 - Educational events, Petras Slekys - 3 mins

  • IT educational eventwe talked to about 1100 students
  • 692 students were connected back to us asking to get involved to IT
  • for everyone who is interested in educational events contact Petras, he will share all the info on how to do that on your own
  • QUESTION: [Emma] where we can found the information on how we can remix for our coutry?Answer: right now everything is locally, I’ll put it on github

TOPIC3 - Featured Future Events (Franc) 5 mins (or less)

TOPIC 4 - Help me with my project!+1

  • Mariot - List of local communities websites - Etherpad Mozilla Please help me make a list of all local communities websites. We’ll add it to the wiki or on a website later. You only need to add the website next to the country name. Thanks a lot! Sorry, I can’t join in Vidyo today.
  • Talk with community ops.
  • Ping also Lucy Harris.

TOPIC 5 - What we’re working on in Council ( Shahid)

  • The new NDA process. There is a new, more efficient and accurate process that currently the participation team is building. We discussed how this process will apply to Reps as well. We will have details by the mid of November.
  • We discussed on drafting and making more clear the contribution pathways inside Reps but inside Mozilla community in general.
  • The new Budget SOPs are currently under a final review and they will be announced by the end of next week.ReMo/SOPs/Budget - MozillaWiki
  • Thanks to Ankit and Shahid the new Reps applications queue for Asia is now significant shorter and almost all the new applicants are assigned to a mentor.
  • Questions? * contact the council reps-council@mozilla.com


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