@Dorothydaf from Cameroon for speaking to tech women in San Francisco about building community from zero to over 50 in one year (also for building that much community in a year!)
For all the Reps preparing for Mozfest as facilitators and participants - inspiring.
QUESTIONS: have questions? contact Franc! fpicolini[at]mozilla.com, or franc[at]mozilla[dot]com
ACTIONS: You can share feedback, learnings, and suggestions on Discourse, or send an email to Fran
TOPIC 4 - Help me with my project!+1
Mariot - List of local communities websites - Etherpad Mozilla Please help me make a list of all local communities websites. We’ll add it to the wiki or on a website later. You only need to add the website next to the country name. Thanks a lot! Sorry, I can’t join in Vidyo today.
The new NDA process. There is a new, more efficient and accurate process that currently the participation team is building. We discussed how this process will apply to Reps as well. We will have details by the mid of November.
We discussed on drafting and making more clear the contribution pathways inside Reps but inside Mozilla community in general.
The new Budget SOPs are currently under a final review and they will be announced by the end of next week.ReMo/SOPs/Budget - MozillaWiki
Thanks to Ankit and Shahid the new Reps applications queue for Asia is now significant shorter and almost all the new applicants are assigned to a mentor.
Participation call - today - topics Include: Mozfest, Mozfest, Mozfest: An update on how we’re bringing Participation to the amazing experience that is Mozfest; How to write a good ‘open’ task - based on Mozilla’s participation in the Grace Hopper ‘Open Source Day’, some insights into designing for contributor success in your repo. Video: https://air.mozilla.org/participation-at-mozilla-20150903/