(Chiorean Ioana)
August 6, 2015, 1:59pm
Thursday July 30th, 15:00 UTC
Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
Participation updates about Mozfest, Remo Camp 2015 and other leadership events
Upcoming events: Francisco will update us about important upcoming events.
Help me with my projects - testdays ( list is still open)
Updates from council work
Rep of the month
August 11, 2015, 6:58pm
Nice Meeting, helping at a Webmaker L10n Event in Stockholm this Saturday and having meeting for it tommorow with Åke Nygren also trying to get into the ReMo program having a meeting about that the 19th August
(Michael Kohler)
August 11, 2015, 9:21pm
Glad you’re already involved with Reps, looking forward to our meeting
(Konstantina Papadea)
September 23, 2015, 4:46pm
Detailed Notes
shout outs to Ioana, Adrian Krespo, Michael, Sofien and Anush
Mozfest, Remo Camp 2015 and other leadership events
Presentation by Nuke and George
The selection process is being finsihed by the Participation team and it will be ready in the next 10 days.
We are articulating not only the process but the goals of the events too
Relevant heartbeat
Featured Events
Firefox OS App training ULAB (Dhaka, Bangladesh), 7th-8th.
Indonesia Convention Exhibition ICE (Tangerang, Indonesia), 7th
Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre ECSL (San Pedro Sula, Honduras), 7th-8th.
Jordian Task Force Meetup (Deadsea, Jordan) 8th.
Help me with my project
Firefox for Android Testday Tuesday 11th August 2015
Check the discourse link and the blog
Rep of the month July
Join us to congratulate Mohammed Hafez for being the Rep of the Month in July
What we’re working on in Council
mentor criteria selection 2.0
Reps of the month for June and July will be added on the Monday meeting
Working on mentor assignment and re-assignment
Initiative on how to improve events
Council notes
Research and analysis on the Reps program, profile of the program
Promotion if great initiatives and other things done by reps not only events
Raw notes can be checked here