From the welcome message:
… To do this, go to the category page and click the rightmost button. You will then have the option to watch, track or mute the category.
– there’s a broken image placeholder for , which is:
403 Forbidden
Sorry, I didn’t realise that Bugzilla can/should be used for meta issues such as this.
We now have Mozilla bug 1366586 - Welcome to Mozilla Discourse! – image 403 forbidden
I’ll flag this topic for closure/archiving/deletion.
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(Leo McArdle)
May 22, 2017, 4:45pm
Thanks for the report. Don’t worry about the issue tracker confusion, we have issues almost everywhere you can think of currently.
I’ve solved the immediate problem by updating the text to be more like the text used upstream, it now reads:
For a few quick tips on getting started as a new user, check out this blog post .
If you want to make your experience as much like a mailing list as possible, we’ve got some steps you can follow .
As you participate here, we’ll get to know you, and temporary new user limitations will be lifted. Over time you’ll gain trust levels that include special abilities to help us manage our community together.
Closing this to continue the discussion about further improvements to this welcome PM here:
Work has been happening upstream to replace the default welcome PM with a robot, and this has now been included as an official plugin. It would be nice to make this robot our own, adapting the flow to best suit our instance, and include a few...
Reading time: 1 mins 🕑
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