So i want to right click and “Save Image As…” just like in all the other browsers. But still cant do it. I tried fiddling with about:config - no luck, I tried “PageInfo” which is a pain as i didnt have the menu bar with ‘tools’ and of course took a google search to get that open (as again common standards are not followed), so after 45minutes of messing around i still cannot do something i’ve done for YEARS with other browsers…
so the solution AGAIN is to go back to any other browser. Bravo. Welldone. Im sure there will be lots of clever reasons (and rude) comments about why this moronic decision was made.
Feel free to explain how to quickly and easily do what others can, without plugins, coding, etc…
Hi Jonathan, what did you get when you right-clicked on the image?
One possible issue:
If the image commands section of the context menu is missing when you right-click on an image, that can indicate the site has placed a transparent element in front of (or on top of, depending on how you look at it) the image, such as a div used for previous/next navigation. I can’t recall whether there’s a trick to have Firefox look through/past that element to any images behind/below it.
If that wasn’t the problem, what went wrong?
If i knew what the problem was i’d fix it !! Anyways i spent too much time on this - IE, Edge, Chrome, Opera - they all had SaveImageAs immediately available on the same websites/images.
So problem solved - use a different browser !
Thanks anyways
Okay, use what is easy for you, but you did post in the Firefox Development category. If you want to help resolve this issue for Firefox users, please provide more details about the problem, such as steps to reproduce it, which may include identifying a page that demonstrates the problem.
PLEASE switch to Chrome based code!
It is time for Firefox/Mozilla devs to face reality and redesign the browser to be based on Chrome code (as everyone else is doing) Firefox has become so slow, clunky, glitchy, and is causing so many outright operating system and RAM slowdowns and crashes that it is becoming UNUSABLE. It is ineffective, failing, dinosaur code, and needs to be completely replaced. I want to use Firefox to gain better personal privacy and security, but can no longer do so due to all of these unacceptable problems. Please face reality and make a radical change.
Hi Jonathan, if you still have Firefox, you may find this new add-on interesting to saving images that are behind a transparent element:
@jscher2000 I know it’s not very important, perhaps, but I just wanted to say that you did a very good job at responding in a positive manner throughout this exchange and in bothering to respond to such a subject title at all.
As a society, I think we’ve come to expect and, for some reason, tolerate rudeness, lack of respect, and the plain lack of good manners as part of daily life today.
I’ve received a lot of good help here and that’s only because of the people who have bothered to read and respond to my questions, most of which have been less than interesting questions in themselves.
I appreciate the manner in which you handled this topic, and I appreciate the help I have received here at Mozilla Discourse.
Cant agree more…(Y)
Unfortunately there are also many trolls on the internet, with a variety of motives - sometimes just being a jerk, but sometimes also including political/economic motivations.
A little late to respond, but just for perspectival purposes:
A browser today is almost the entire environment of many people’s time on their computer.
When the user’s neighborhood, through no fault of one’s own, undergoes unwanted change, and the conditions of living in that environment become increasingly unstable and unpredictable, and when one’s day-to-day work is hampered due to some new situation, that creates stress. The stress builds. And builds. And builds.
This is what you’re seeing in this rude behavior. The rude tone is a function of Firefox’s increasingly rude behavior. You can be polite as you want; increasingly, Firefox is saying “f* you” to its users in more and more interactions. Therefore, you should get used to it; this is what humans do when they experience repeated stress.
Firefox is badly bloated and needs radical improvements.
Firefox actually sucks, nothing dangerous to the page that i want to access but Firefox keep say “We don’t believe that page” when my friend can access that page in FIREFOX easily
Firefox is telling you it was not able to make a secure connection to the site you requested. Firefox is not telling you there is a problem with the actual site. A common reason for this is a “man in the middle” of your connection presenting a fake certificate. That could be your antivirus, parental controls, spyware, etc. You can explore the explanation by comparing the error code in the page (click the Advanced button if you have one) with this article: How to troubleshoot security error codes on secure websites | Firefox Help
If you would like personal assistance with this, you can post a new question on Mozilla Support: Get Support | Mozilla Support
Hello all, I am locking this thread as I think that the discussion here has not been very constructive. Of course, if anyone needs still need assistance with one of the issues raised here, you can ask a question in the Support Forum. If you have an idea for a new feature, the right place for that is Mozilla Connect.
Thank you very much, @jscher2000 for answering so many questions.