Z-wave devices only showing battery life

First off huge fan of the IoT gateway its a really great idea.

Now on to my question I have a few Z-wave devices and some of them are working as expected. But 2 z-wave sensors for doors i have are only showing battery life. Any idea on how i could get them to work?


This probably means that they’re using a command class we haven’t added code for yet. I’ll pick one up and see what’s up.

Thanks! I did find some info for command class in the manual for the recessed sensor, nothing like that in the other one. Not sure if this helps

That does help. I’ll be looking into whats required to add support for these alarm type sensors. I have several people reporting issues, and the support for that type of sensor isn’t in our adapter yet. I ordered one of the recessed door switch sensors to test with as well.

Thanks one of them is working now! I had to reimage the Pi but now battery life, tamper switch and the magnetic sensor for the door are working, Thanks for your help. As soon i get some AAA i can check the other one.