Several projects of the zooniverse network are designed to randomly show photographs taken e.g. with wild cams (such as on or, to be then analyzed by the volunteers (e.g. “Which animals do you see?” etc.). These are only pictures and not videos, so it would be helpful for the volunteers to have a look at the pictures taken before/after the image they’re looking at. And as it happens, the photos are stored on the server in such a way that usually, several photos from one camera are given consecutive file names - consider the following pictures and their file names:
As you can see, “consecutively named” means here that the number in the end of the file name increases with every picture. This is usually works for ~5-30 pictures in a row, then there will be pictures from another camera.
What I’m imagining to have is this:
I’d like to have an add-on that will manifest itself in the browser in the form of a “back” and a “forward” button, allowing us to look through the pictures easily. Having some IT knowledge (- I’ve never created a firefox add-on though), I’d say that implementing a widget that will increase/decrease the “number in the end of the file name” sounds relatively simple. How right am I? Can you give me any advice, or even minor hints on how this could be done?
And by the way, you are of course very welcome to participate in the projects yourself!