Activate Mozilla - new unified impact form and Tech Speakers activity

Hello amazing people and happy week!

I am really excited to share some updates from the Activate Campaign

Have you ever wondered what effect your event had on the people who attended? Ever been curious to know if you inspired them to try something new? Well we now have a new way for you to measure and understand the impact your events have on the people who attended: the impact form.

By sharing this super short 3 question form at the end of each of your events, we’ll be able to understand who attended each of your events and (most excitingly) if you inspired them to contribute to a Mozilla program, product, or technology.

Come find out more about why it’s great, and how to use it on the next Reps Call, Thursday, April 27th, 16:00 UTC.

We have also launched a new activity: Host a Technology Talk with Tech Speakers! This is a collaborative activity where you’ll work with the Tech Speakers community to reach as many web developers as you can with tech topics, and to get their feedback back to Mozilla.

Our website looks prettier than ever. You might have noticed already that we have a new layout for the activities pages. This is an effort lead by our awesome devs in order to make the pages more user friendly and less text heavy. We are continuing these efforts, if you want to see what we are planning and contribute you can check our repo.

Have any questions? Let us know here. We are also running a special Reps Call this Thursday, April 27th, 16:00 UTC. Join us :slight_smile:


By sharing this super short 3 question form at the end of each of your events, we’ll be able to understand who attended each of your events and (most excitingly) if you inspired them to contribute to a Mozilla program, product, or technology.

Two quick questions:

  • Should we (event host) just share the URL, or make our own?
  • If we just share the URL, how do we get the result after people filled the form?

Hey bob,
thanks for the questions.

  • You should share the URL, this will enable us to track everyone in one place.
  • The results will be in community analytics. Our plan is to create a group for all Reps in order to track the impact we bring. From in there you will be able to see how many new contributors you brought and where they are contributing now with filtering your name.
    We will do a live demo on Thursday so you should check it out :slight_smile:

I like the idea of a form but in case that we want to have access on that data gathered to improve our events? The only solution will be do another form and In that way sent the data to Mozilla. I think that can be very complicated.

Also in that way this is not localizable, I do as example event in Italy only in Italian so I am not sure if the people know English.

Also for the Main rep question can be a trouble. Because we do events but maybe I am the rep that created the budget requests but the event is organized by another one so we have to say to set me in that long field.

Also Web Extension has a typo, there is a space in the name but as we can see here Browser extensions - Mozilla | MDN and in other Mozilla pages is an unique word.

Also I see in the next page we ask for the name and GitHub profile and they are mandatory but maybe people want to be anonymous and in that way this is not possible.

I think also that this fields are required:

  • What do you like it of this event?
  • What do you think that can be improved of this event?

And to simplify to remove the fields with the name but only with the link of a social network profile, because not all the people that join the events can have a GitHub profile.

I think that the best way will be have that the reps portal creates automatically that anonymous form (we share that with a link or QR Code) and this can be accessible to all the reps of remo (so we can learn each others). Because don’t forget that this events usually are for open source people and in the past I got it people that not wanted to fill a google form because it is not open and in that way we can avoid the (often asked) question: You are Mozilla, why you use closed software of your main competitor?

thanks Daniele for your questions,
will try to reply on every point

I understand that. But we need to unify the way we get data in one source of truth. By enabling localization we are just breaking down the data and that’s really hard for us.

Do you mean another Mozillian or another Rep? If it’s another Mozillian well you’re still the main Rep since that’s what we ask for. As for another Rep then you should add the one who is leading this and not necessarily the one who is doing the logistics support

will correct :slight_smile:[quote=“Mte90, post:4, topic:15228”]
Also I see in the next page we ask for the name and GitHub profile and they are mandatory but maybe people want to be anonymous and in that way this is not possible.

I think also that this fields are required:

What do you like it of this event?
What do you think that can be improved of this event?

And to simplify to remove the fields with the name but only with the link of a social network profile, because not all the people that join the events can have a GitHub profile.

I understand the anonymity part that’s why we added the mozilla privacy note. The reason that we are asking this question is because we want to know if those peopel are contributing to Mozilla repos in the future as a result of our events. And unfortunately that’s the only way that comms analytics can track it now. Do you think that making it not mandatory and explaining why we do that will have a better effect on people?[quote=“Mte90, post:4, topic:15228”]
I think that the best way will be have that the reps portal creates automatically that anonymous form (we share that with a link or QR Code) and this can be accessible to all the reps of remo (so we can learn each others). Because don’t forget that this events usually are for open source people and in the past I got it people that not wanted to fill a google form because it is not open and in that way we can avoid the (often asked) question: You are Mozilla, why you use closed software of your main competitor?

Yes you’re right we are heavily using Google projects for the easy of it. If you have a good open source alternative I am all ears.

Understandable but actually there are fields without text area to write so the data insrted are not requiring localizable issues.

Ok but we need to say people during the event: Hey do the survey and remember to set Daniele as main rep also if you don’t know who it is. So I think that people will not fill because they forget the name of the rep.

This is a good point, but it is not clear in the survey. But as I said it is not sure that all the people that fill the survey has github profile, so you can lost important feedback only with this requirement.
Also I think that we can do another form for people that want to join mozilla and use that data for tracking in the future if they are contributing. In that way we have different survey for different purpose and they can improved for the targets.

In the past I had a form and was purely anonymous and the only reason was filling was because of this. There was fields also to explain if wasn’t good at all so the people was more free to leave feedback.

I was thinking to put on our VPS that is open source and very powerful for do survey with many other field types.

Yes but creating another form means that everytime you will manually have to import data back to us with which we might end up loosing data.[quote=“Mte90, post:6, topic:15228”]
Ok but we need to say people during the event: Hey do the survey and remember to set Daniele as main rep also if you don’t know who it is. So I think that people will not fill because they forget the name of the rep.

I think that’s the best approach. And if they did a mistake well that’s ok, we do know that the data are not 100% accurate but they are indicators [quote=“Mte90, post:6, topic:15228”]
This is a good point, but it is not clear in the survey. But as I said it is not sure that all the people that fill the survey has github profile, so you can lost important feedback only with this requirement.
Also I think that we can do another form for people that want to join mozilla and use that data for tracking in the future if they are contributing. In that way we have different survey for different purpose and they can improved for the targets.

So we need to have a way to track those that they will contribute in the future and that means github. If they don’t have it and will create it well we are not going to be able to know. I agree we shouldn’t have this mandatory and have this more explanatory. Will do a version 2 of it (it’s always good to improve)
Also on 2 surveys, we thought about it but we decided not to go with it cause it felt like an overwork for attendees. So we had to make it as short as possible

I didn’t know about this, I need to check about tracking policy and get back to you.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I will take them back to the team and do a better v.2 of this :slight_smile:

Maybe we can do some kind of “hack,” say create localized forms & sending the data to one destination on Google Form… I’m not good at coding but will try it anyway.

Yes in practice I will also doing like that - create another localized online form as well as printed paper, which will get much more responses compare to current one, and fill it again manually.

Perhaps some one can find a way for people to import data like Bob said.

Replying for @bobchao comments as well. I agree we need localized forms but I am afraid that if we do so and then manual imports then we might end up loosing replies.
However I will look into on how we are importing info on community/analytics and we might want to give the localized Reps the ability to import their own data as they gather them in localized forms.

I’m actually talking about using different (localized) webpages to POST form data to a single URL… in this way we don’t have to “import” anything since the data goes to a single place.

Found an example here: GitHub - heaversm/google-custom-form: Submit to a google spreadsheet using a form of your own design

Just created a POC here:

You can send data from any of the forms, the data will goes to a single place.

The source code is on

that is pretty cool! we will play it with it with @kelimuttu but I think it can work out :slight_smile:

Hi @couci
I’m currently in Reps on-boarding stage and there are some more people like me. We don’t have our names in the form.
What are we supposed to do in this case?
PS- I’ve conducted one activate event and planning for the next one.

Hey Akshit yes cause we created the form when you were not yet a rep. I am updating the form now, thanks for the info.

P.S Cool you’re using the form, don’t forget to ask your participants to use it on the new one :slight_smile:

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Happy news, Kiki managed to incorporate this and direct the data to our spreadsheet without having them public (which was my first privacy concern).
Once Kiki is back from her day off, we will publish documentation on how a Rep can do a localized form and still send the data to Mozilla.
@bobchao will for sure ping you to give initial feedback there also cc @geraldobarros who asked about it as well


I’ve created a github issue for that. For those of you who wants to follow the process, please refer to

We have rolled out the wiki to show the Reps on how to localize the form. Please see for more details.