Assessment wanted for Conditionals Skill test 1,2,3 & 4

Hi there, I need a review for my recent test solutions, links are given below:
Conditionals 1 & task link
Conditionals 2 & task link
Conditionals 3 & task link
Conditionals 4 & task link

Thank you in Advance,

Hi @Dinesh_Sake

Well done!

Here are my comments:

  • Task 1: :white_check_mark: Correct.
  • Task 2: :white_check_mark: Correct. The line response = "The Machine is on!"; is superfluous since response always gets overwritten.
  • Task 3: :white_check_mark: Correct. For better readability I recommend indenting the code that belongs to each case:
    case (score >= 0 && score < 20):
      response = 'That was a terrible score — total fail!';
    case (score >= 20 && score < 40):
  • Task 4: :white_check_mark: Correct.

Happy coding,

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Okay, I did the changes recommended by you. Thanks for the input.

Nice formatting, @Dinesh_Sake!
Looks much better know. :heart_eyes:

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