Change my e-mail address

Can somebody authorised please change my e-mail address of my Mozilla account? I am entirely confused about the accounts of “”, “Mozilla” and “Firefox”. Who created that mess? I have a user name, and e-mail address and a password. I only want to change the e-mail address. Why is this not allowed? I am asking here with some bad mood because there is absolutely no channel in the UI to direct this anger.

Though this may not work properly in combination with Not sure if the site supports this feature yet.

Official description of how the email changing works with AMO:

Alright, I’m not using a Firefox account, just Can I still change my e-mail address somewhere?

You need a Firefox Account for

Yes, apparently I have one, but I’m not using it in Firefox. I just need some way to authenticate at AMO. I have no interest in using any account stuff in my browser.

Right, Firefox Accounts is an authentication mechanism, not just the sync account. You don’t have to log into it for syncing to use it to log in on AMO.