The All Hands is a special time of the year where Mozilla employees along with core volunteers gather for a week of many meetings and brainstorming. The All Hands Wiki page has more information about the general setting. During the All Hands, the Reps Council participated in the Open Innovation meetings as well as had meetings about what we’ve accomplished in Q2 and the future of the program. One of our main topics was on how to get new developers involved as contributors in Mozilla projects.
Top topics
For that reason it was crucial to understand and discuss the mobilizers experiment and their outcomes with Srushtika, Daniele and Vigneshwer, in order to understand what are the issues and needs for Add-ons, Rust and WebVR and how we can create communities around those projects and attract new developers.
The idea “Open by Design” was discussed extensively while we’ve tried to understand how Reps program can contribute to the Strategy project. We also had a meeting with Patrick Finch to discuss a few strategy questions and to start the discussion on how the Reps program can help in the next few months.
Other meetings and sessions
We had other sessions as well. Also we did a lot of administrative tasks as well:
- Participated in the Q&A Session with Chris Beard
- Gave feedback on the World View project
- We reviewed our Q2 OKRs and opened issues where necessary to continue in Q3
- Updated the Wiki header of Reps pages with a link to the Leadership page
- Moved the Council Chair from Konstantina to Flore
- Started to document new criteria for Reps applications
- Further documented the mobilizers initiative and discussed common topics that were raised around those
- Had a meeting with Module Owner and Peers
Activate holds a special place at Reps activities. During the All Hands we held meetings about the website, the content of the activities and the future of the project. From the Council side Alex Lakatos with Michael Kohler are involved in the website building, while Konstantina Papadea and Ankit Gadgil are working with a focus on the content.
While in San Francisco we launched a new activity about Nightly which now is available on the website. Firefox Nightly is one of the most important projects happening right now in the Mozilla world and it’s crucial for us. We need to get new Firefox Nightly users.
We also joined discussions with the Rust and the Add-ons teams in order to better understand how the Reps Program can help to build their community or improve the promotion of those technologies.
On the feedback form front we are working on the dashboard to simplify the access to feedback of Activate events.