Reps Peers - Update to role description / Council Accountability Update

Hi everyone

Over the past few months the Reps Peers have worked on two projects we would like to update you about. This will also help you understand what the Reps Peers body is doing for the Reps Program and what it is all about. :slight_smile:

Council Accountability

Back at the All Hands in December 2017 we had a discussion with the Reps Council about what they expect from the Peers body. This was part of our efforts to be a more active leadership body. The most mentioned topics were “watching over the Council” as well as “providing context for discussions”. Equipped with this knowledge, over the past few months we’ve worked on an accountability definition for the Reps Council. While the Reps Peers have always hold the Council accountable, we now have a clear list of things we expect from the Reps Council. You can find the updated list here:

Additionally to this, we’ve also defined on how Peers interact with the Council on a regular basis:

Mozilla Reps Peers Role

As holding Council accountable to their tasks is only one point of the responsibilities of the Reps Peers body, we’ve taken the chance to update the role description. You can find all other information about the Peers body on

Holding Council accountable

  • Hold Council accountable according to defined Accountability agreements

Day-to-day operations

  • Provide context and strategic thinking in day-to-day operations to help Council make decisions

Strategic discussions

  • Provide context and strategic thinking in strategy discussions the Reps Council is having related to the Reps Program

  • Provide context and strategic thinking in Open Innovation discussions

  • Be up-to-date with recent developments in the Open Innovation team by following the monthly Open Innovation Team meetings (live or recorded)

  • Flag decisions we do not agree with regarding the Reps Program early enough to have further discussions before publishing decisions

Healthy Program

  • Organize Reps Council elections

  • Be role-models - activities are transparent and documented

  • Publicly visible, engaging and getting feedback from Reps

What’s next?

As Reps Council elections are almost right around the corner, this will be our next tasks. You can track this effort on GitHub.

We are happy to hear your feedback about these projects and the Reps Peer role!

on behalf of the Reps Module Owner and Peers