Notes from the Mozilla Reps Council meeting on 2015/02/18 02:30:00 PM.
- Rardila
- Ankitgadgil
- Nukeador
- Emmairwin
- Lasr21
- San Emmanuel James
###Self nomination by reps for being mentors
- The council discussed on the better explanation of procedure for facilitating self nomination of Reps fro being mentors.
- Currently Reps need a mentor to vouch their application and send it to the Council.
###Mentorship feedback
- Discussions about how and how often do we have to gather feedback about Reps mentors.
###Quarterly budgets for larger communities
- The council aims to start an email thread conversation with mentors and gather ideas, views and information about the idea.
###New mentors training
- Newly inducted mentors will be participating in training sessions about mentorship in Reps and will work on initial tasks to get up with the system.
###Local Swag
- Discussions about local swag production and how we can optimize the situation with help from project teams.
###Alumni and the 3-months away policy for Reps
- The council reviewed the new Alumni status for Reps policy.
###Firefox OS devices being bought using Reps Budget
- Discussions around the topic led to a need of policy for this.
- More support from Firefox OS team, in defining when and how to provide devices to reps.
###Summary of why mentor approved budget
- The council agreed for the need of this action from mentors. A mentor should comment about his/her’s decision of approving/denying the budget request. This will help the council to understand the budget request clearly and also increase transparency and clear need of the budget for impact.