You need to first configure the adapter via Settings -> Add-ons, then click Configure for GPIO. After setting up and applying your configuration, they’ll appear as things.
Hi t1m1, I new here. I have the same problem with the GPIO but also with the I2C add-on. I’m using a Pi4 with Ubuntu 20 where I succesfully installed the gateway. The errors are gpio-adapter: Failed to … /sys/class/gpio/export and generic-sensors-adapter: Failed to start … No permissions for I2C resource. After installing docker (it wasn’t) I tried your solution:
docker run \
-e TZ=“Europe/Madrid”
-e Country=“Spain”
-e Language=“English”
-v /path/to/shared/data:/home/.webthings
-v /sys/class/gpio:/sys/class/gpio
log-opt max-size=1m
–log-opt max-file=10
–name webthings-gateway
–restart=unless-stopped MYPATH/gateway
but getting the error: docker: invalid publish opts format (should be name=value but got ‘rivileged’). Problably is a very simple question but I’m getting started with the gateway.