Hello Mozillians,
Here’s the FAQ for Mozfest 2015, where I pretend to evacuate all the questions that I’ve been receiving over these last days. Apologies for not being able to prepare this earlier.
If you have more questions, please reply to this thread
1) Where I can find information about Mozfest?
We have a wiki page, that we will be filling with more information, here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mozfest/2015/
2) I was invited by the Participation team to attend. What would be the next steps?
In the email you have a link to a form, please fill that form and indicate if you need a visa. Also, please be sure to include the correct information, we will use that to send you the visa letter. After that, you should go to the Egencia portal, the link is on that email too.
3) How will be the procedure to book the flight?
You will have to book the flight on that site. Note that even if you see a price, you won’t pay for it. Mozilla will take care directly. Please be aware that almost all the flights will say “Out of policy”. That means that it has to pass through a review process by Francisco Picolini. Note that we will be evaluating average price and the convenience of flight hours. We are don’t expect that you fly 30 hours with 2 or more layovers if you have another flight of less than 50% of that time, but costs slightly more.
4) It ask me for Traveler Group and Department, what should I input?
Traveler Group: Mozilla Festival 2015
Department: 1002-Participation
5) I’ve requested an account in Egencia, but I haven’t received anything yet.
Note that the account authorization is manually, so don’t expect immediate replies, or an email on a weekend. Also, if you have already an account, you will be able to access with your user and password. If it has been more than 72 hours without a reply, please contact Francisco Picolini (franc@mozilla.com)
6) What do I need to request a visa?
That will depend on your country, please contact the local UK embassy/office in your city, or the city nearby. Sometimes you will only need a flight confirmation/ticket, and an invitation letter. If you need a letter, please indicate it in the Form, if you haven’t received the letter, and need it with urgency, please contact Francisco.
7) Does Mozilla covers Visa fees?
Yes, we will be covering costs related to visas. Please contact Francisco for more information.
8) How will be the process to request reimbursement for visa fees?
If you are a Rep, you only need to file a budget request through the standard process. There’s already an event page, so you can include it in your request.
If you are not a Rep, please contact a Rep in your country, or in your region to help you out. If that Rep doesn’t know how to help you, or refuse to help you for some reason, please contact Francisco Picolini.
9) According to the embassy, I need a booking confirmation, where I can get that?
The hotel has been arranged by the Mozfest Organizers, you don’t have to book anything on your own. However, if you need a booking confirmation, we are working hard to get a letter from the hotel with the names of the participants included. The hotel won’t send any information directly to the participants. If you need the details of the hotel, please check your inbox, an email has been sent with those details.
10) The visa form requires a contact person.
Please contact Francisco Picolini to request this info.
11) What’s the participation team expect from my presence?
George will be sending an email in the following weeks, and we will make some meetings for the participants. Expect more info soon.
12) I’ve sent a session proposal, but I don’t know if it has been approved or not.
Please contact the Mozfest organization, this selection process is independent from the sessions. Also, we will only arrange the schedule for the Participation space, so if your proposal was accepted by other space, you will have to check the schedule with them.