I think it would be great to have a thread here to see how many people are coming on their own budget and therefore also would need accommodation. Like that, there is a chance to organize something together.
Unfortunately, I won’t have time to coordinate this, somebody else willing to step up here?
I’ve bought the ticket for Mozfest but I don’t have taken yet the flight and hotel. I’m waiting news from few Italian mozillians to go with them and organize also for the room.
I’d happily co-ordinate some central group booking of the kind. Could save some money for people
Personally I don’t think I’ll be staying overnight if Mozilla can’t pay. I just don’t have the money. However, I’d be glad to help organise efforts for people that are staying overnight at their own cost and help find good group rates.
The more people we can pull into this, the cheaper I’d be able to find rooms.
I was thinking of going to Mozfest but costs too much this year for me, so going to https://fscons.org/2015/ instead and will help with Mozilla stuff over there instead