Hi Reps ,
As you have probably heard, this year Maker Party is part of a mission: to challenge outdated copyright laws in the European Union that are putting up real barriers to innovation and creativity on the web.
While right now this issue is centered in the EU, defending against threats to the free and open web is something we can all do together!
Show your support for this campaign by running a Maker Party event this October-November in your local community, and registering it on the Maker Party website.
For more information about resources to support your event, you can check out this discourse topic.
If you’re planning an activity outside the EU we especially recommend using these two activities:
You can fork the activities and customize them to make them more specific to your local context!
Be a #cczero Hero
In addition to all the amazing live events you can host or attend, we have another way for our global digital community to participate.
We’re planning a global contribute-a-thon to unite Mozillians around the world and grow the number of images in the public domain. We want to showcase what the open internet movement is capable of. And we’re making a statement when we do it: Public domain content helps the open internet thrive.
Check out our #cczero hero event page and instructions on contributing. You should be the owner of the copyright in the work. It can be fun, serious, artistic – whatever you’d like. Get started.
For more information on how to submit your work to the public domain or to Creative Commons, click here.
You can also learn more about Maker Party 2016 in Mozilla’s blogpost
Thank you for joining us in the solution to change copyright in the EU: register your event today.