How are new addon versions validated?


I want to believe that I’ve missed something obvious on, but I’ve wasted hours now playing with the page for my addon, and haven’t been able to get anywhere.

When I first submitted a hack, I landed on a page which showed queue status and generally confirmed that the review process was happening. Sure enough, I soon received the rundown of why the package had been rejected.

So I went back, made changes, bumped the version number, uploaded the new package… and it’s sitting under “Older Versions” on the page. No indication at all that the “preliminary review” I requested will ever take place.

I’ve repeated the version bump and resubmit a few times now, and the result is pretty consistent. I hate to say it, but what I imagine to be a basic task has stumped me. As I haven’t been able to find anything on MDN about the resubmit/reevaluation process, I’m here and could use your help in detailing the process for returning from a failed review.


I cant find it in the review queues.

The image seems to show that v0.0.2 is disabled and v0.0.5 has problems ie there are 0 files.
I suggest uploading a new version (with a higher version number).


Thank you for looking into this. I tried uploading another xpi with a different version, and have the same 0 files result.

I’ve unlisted the addon, and will put the xpi package in github releases.